v2022.4 and v2022.4.1
- Kernel supports relocation mode binary
- fixbug in multiples files opened
CC65 (telestrat target)
- binary from cc65 will be deprecated (without relocbin tool in order to convert it in relocation mode). It needs to get relocbin from orix-sdk : https://github.com/assinie/orix-sdk
- cp now works
- many man pages had been improved
- bugfix with "cd /" which did not work
How to upgrade
Download Kernel
gunzip/untar sdcard.tgz on the twilighte board device
- type in the orix shell :
- cd /usr/share/carts/2022.4
if the default device is a usb key
/# orixcfg -r -s 4 kernelus.r64
if the default device is a sdcard
/# orixcfg -r -s 4 kernelsd.r64