FOPEN macro
Open a file.
fopen file, mode [,TELEMON] [,ptr] [,oom_msg_ptr] [,fail_value]
- file may be: (ptr), address
- if parameter 'ptr' is present, store resulting AX in ptr & ptr+1
- if parameter 'oom_msg_ptr' is present, emit string pointed by 'oom_msg_ptr' and return if AX is $FFFF (ie XOPEN error)
.include "" ; from cc65
.include "" ; from cc65
.include "../orix-sdk/macros/SDK_file.mac"
.include "../orix-sdk/macros/SDK_print.mac"
.include "../orix-sdk/macros/SDK_conio.mac"
fopen (basic11_ptr2), O_RDONLY,,fp ; open the filename located in ptr 'basic11_ptr2', in readonly and store the fp in fp address
cpx #$FF
bne @read_maindb ; not null then start because we did not found a conf
cmp #$FF
bne @read_maindb ; not null then start because we did not found a conf
print str_basic11_missing
crlf ; Macro for return line
lda #$FF
ldx #$FF
.res 2
; bla
The filename/path address must not be in the rom. If it's the case, the string must be copied into main memory because Kernel overlap the ROM. fopen macro from SDK will produce an error, if the 'address' is in a ROM range (eg : $c000-$FFFF). If you use a ptr, macro can not detect it, and XOPEN primitive won't be able to open your file
See XOPEN kernel primitive.