Initialize struct of the mainargs from current process
Parameters already prepared
initmainargs ptr, nb_of_paramter, 0
Copy only command line to ptr buffer
initmainargs ptr, nb_of_paramter, 1
.include ""
.include "../orix-sdk/macros/SDK_mainargs.mac"
argv := userzp ; 2 bytes -> ptr
argc := userzp+2 ; 1 byte -> value
initmainargs argv, argc, 0
mfree(argv) ; Free argv copy
initmainargs calls XMAINARGS kernel routine. It will returns in argv a ptr with a malloc performs by the kernel. It means that it must be free after the use of the mainargs (if there is no others uses after)
Call XMAINARGS function.
Since cc65 last version (2024 release), XMAINARGS and XGETARGV did not need to declare anymore