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Build a binary from cc65 or assembly located on sdcard

cc65 generates a non relocation format for telestrat target.

We decided to stop this format in the kernel v2022.4 because it was too complex to manage it in a kernel which use dynamic memory allocation.

In order to generate a launchable binary, relocbin must be used :

Step one : build your binary from cc65 with the start address $80

cl65 -ttelestrat mysrc.c -o mysrc_800 --start-addr \$800

Step Two : build your binary from cc65 with the start address $900

/# cl65 -ttelestrat mysrc.c -o mysrc_900 --start-addr \$900

Step three (last one) : generate the relocation format:

/#python relocbin.py3 -2 -o mybin mysrc_800 mysrc_900

Place mybin in /bin of the sdcard/usb key of the twilighte board, and launch :
